Salary Withholding Tax Calculator
TaxationPk is committed to providing you with the most accurate and up-to-date tax information. Our online calculators are designed to help you quickly and easily calculate your withholding tax on income from salary.
Explore Our Popular Tax Calculators
We offer a range of free online tax calculators to help you navigate the Pakistani tax system. Browse our most popular calculators below, or use the navigation menu to find a specific calculator.
Salary Income Tax Calculator
Estimate your annual income tax liability as a salaried individual in Pakistan. Get a breakdown of your deductions and payable tax.
Business Income Tax Calculator
Calculate your business income tax based on the latest tax regulations. Plan your business finances effectively.
Withholding Tax Calculator
Calculate the withholding tax applicable to various transactions, including property sale & uurchase , other payments, and rent.
Important Notice
This calculator offers an estimation of salary withholding tax based on the tax laws in Pakistan effective from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. These calculations are for informational purposes only; actual tax liabilities may vary depending on other financial factors and deductions.
Tax Authorities
Tax Calculators
Sections Covered
Acts Covered
To calculate your salary income tax, simply follow these steps:
Choose Income Frequency: Select whether you want to calculate tax based on annual or monthly salary.
Enter Salary Amount: Input your gross salary in the provided field. Ensure the amount is accurate for precise calculations.
Click on Calculate: Press the “Calculate Tax” button to generate your tax liability.
View Your Tax Liability: The calculated tax amount will be displayed instantly.
This calculator provides an estimate based on withholding tax rates applicable to salary income in Pakistan. It simplifies tax computations by automatically applying the relevant tax slabs.
Income Frequency
The calculator allows you to choose between monthly and annual income frequencies. If you select monthly, the entered amount will be multiplied by 12 to compute the annual income.
Tax Slabs
The calculator applies tax rates based on predefined slabs, ranging from no tax for income up to Rs. 600,000 to 35% tax for income exceeding Rs. 4,100,000 with additional fixed amounts for higher slabs.
Automatic Tax Conversion
If the input frequency is monthly, the calculated annual tax is automatically converted back to a monthly amount for easier interpretation.
Instant Result Display
The calculator provides immediate results by showing the computed tax liability right after the "Calculate" button is clicked.
The Salary Tax Calculator follows the applicable withholding tax rates in Pakistan under the Income Tax Ordinance. This tool offers a simplified method for taxpayers to compute their liabilities accurately.
Tax Laws Applicable
The tax calculator is based on the withholding tax provisions outlined in the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, Pakistan.
Tax Rates Applicable
The calculator uses the tax rates prescribed by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for salaried individuals. View detailed tax rates here.
Deductions Allowed
While the calculator focuses on basic tax liability, deductions for allowances or exemptions may be applicable based on your income category. Learn more about deductions.
Tax Calculations
For a comprehensive explanation of how salary tax is calculated and detailed examples, please visit this detailed article.
Salary Tax Simplified!